Em janeiro de 1935, a sua frágil saúde financeira fez com que a diretoria pedisse oficialmente ajuda ao Governo do Estado. A Vasp foi estatizada e recebeu novo aporte de capital para a compra de 2 Junkers Ju-52-3M. O lado negativo, como só pode acontecer nesta terra de samba e pandeiro, foi "aculturar" a empresa com todas as mazelas de nossa (des)administração pública: alta rotatividade na direção, apadrinhamentos,etc... Muitas vezes, a própria presidência da empresa foi entregue à pessoas sem o mínimo conhecimento de aviação, nomeadas por razões políticas.
Em 1936 a Vasp estabeleceu a primeira linha comercial entre São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e em 1937 recebeu seu terceiro Junkers. Tragicamente, este avião, matriculado PP-SPF, sofreu o primeiro grande acidente de nossa aviação comercial: Em 8 de novembro de 1939 chocou-se, após a decolagem do aeroporto Santos Dumont, com um de Havilland 90 Dragonfly argentino.
Em 1939 a VASP comprou a Aerolloyd Iguassú, pequena empresa de propriedade da Chá Matte Leão, que operava na região sul do país. Em 1962 foi a vez do Lloyd Aéreo ser comprado, ampliando ainda mais sua participação a nível nacional (A Vasp parece que não pode ver um Lloyd sem se interessar- anos depois, foi a vez do Boliviano).
Em 1936 a Vasp estabeleceu a primeira linha comercial entre São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro, e em 1937 recebeu seu terceiro Junkers. Tragicamente, este avião, matriculado PP-SPF, sofreu o primeiro grande acidente de nossa aviação comercial: Em 8 de novembro de 1939 chocou-se, após a decolagem do aeroporto Santos Dumont, com um de Havilland 90 Dragonfly argentino.
Em 1939 a VASP comprou a Aerolloyd Iguassú, pequena empresa de propriedade da Chá Matte Leão, que operava na região sul do país. Em 1962 foi a vez do Lloyd Aéreo ser comprado, ampliando ainda mais sua participação a nível nacional (A Vasp parece que não pode ver um Lloyd sem se interessar- anos depois, foi a vez do Boliviano).
Após a Segunda Guerra, modernizou a frota com a introdução dos Douglas DC-3 e Saab S-90 Scandia. Em 1955 encomendou o Viscount 800, primeiro equipamento à turbina no Brasil e depois trouxe os "Samurai" YS-11. Em janeiro de 1968, entrou na era do jato puro com a entrega de dois BAC One Eleven 400. Em 1969, trouxe ao Brasil os primeiros Boeing 737-200, em 1982 chegaram os Airbus A300B2 e em 1986 o primeiro 737-300 de nosso país.
No início da década de 90, a Vasp foi privatizada. Seu novo presidente, Wagner Canhedo, iniciou uma agressiva expansão internacional: Ásia, Estados Unidos, Europa e até mesmo o Marrocos entraram no mapa da empresa. Aumentou a frota, trazendo entre outros três DC-10-30 e depois nove MD-11. Criou o Vasp Air System, após adquirir o controle acionário da LAB, Ecuatoriana e da argentina TAN.
Não conseguiu sustentar o crescimento. Deixou de pagar obrigações, salários, leasings e até taxas de navegação. Canibalizou os MD-11 a céu aberto em Guarulhos e foi cancelando as rotas internacionais. A frota foi reduzida, restando os pré-diluvianos 737-200 e os cansados A300 para servir uma rede doméstica menor do que a empresa operava em 1990. O Vasp Air System foi desfeito. Não foi apenas uma década perdida: foi uma década em marcha-à-ré.
Não conseguiu sustentar o crescimento. Deixou de pagar obrigações, salários, leasings e até taxas de navegação. Canibalizou os MD-11 a céu aberto em Guarulhos e foi cancelando as rotas internacionais. A frota foi reduzida, restando os pré-diluvianos 737-200 e os cansados A300 para servir uma rede doméstica menor do que a empresa operava em 1990. O Vasp Air System foi desfeito. Não foi apenas uma década perdida: foi uma década em marcha-à-ré.
Deu no que deu: em setembro de 2004, o Departamento de Aviação Civil (DAC) suspendeu as operações de oito aeronaves da Vasp. Por medida de segurança, os aviões 737-200 de prefixos PP-SMA, PP-SMB, PP-SMC, PP-SMP, PP-SMQ, PP-SMR, PP-SMS e PP-SMT foram proibidos de voar até cumpriem as exigências técnicas de revisões e modificações obrigatórias - as ADs (Airworthiness Directives) - estabelecidas pelo fabricante. Sem dinheiro para fazer os trabalhos, a Vasp decidiu encostar os jatos. Em seguida, eles começaram a ser canibalizados para oferecer peças aos outros 737 ainda em operação. Com uma imagem arranhada e uma frota jurássica, a empresa foi perdendo terreno, sobretudo após a entrada da Gol no mercado. A Vasp operou em novembro de 2004 apenas 18% dos vôos programados. Em setembro de 2004, quando enfrentou a primeira paralisação de funcionários e começou a ter problemas para abastecer suas aeronaves, a fatia de mercado da companhia aérea era de apenas 8% e dois meses depois, de 1,39% . A ocupação também foi péssima: as únicas 3 aeronaves da Vasp que voaram no mês saíram com 47% dos assentos vendidos.
A Vasp parou de voar no final de janeiro de 2005, quando o DAC cassou sua autorização de operação. Suas aeronaves hoje estão paradas por aeroportos de todo o país, testemunhas de mais uma triste história de nossa aviação comercial.
The history of VASP began to be written in the years following the Revolution of 1932. On November 12, 1933 a group of businessmen and pilots met and created the Air Transportation St. Paul, presenting to the public at its base the Campus Martius its first aircraft, two Englishmen Monospar ST-4, with capacity for three passengers. On April 16, 1934 took off the first commercial flights between Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto and Tuticorin and Black River, St. Charles route. The precarious conditions of airport infrastructure hampered the operation. In the first months of activities, had their operations suspended due to heavy rains that flooded the Campus Martius. These difficulties were decisive for the company to participate in the development of airports and airfields in the interior. The company moved its operations to the newly opened Congonhas Airport, known as "Field of VASP.
In January 1935, the fragile financial health made it officially asked the board to help the State Government. Vasp was nationalized and received a new injection of capital for the purchase of two Junkers Ju-52-3M. The downside, as can only happen in this land of samba and tambourine, was "acculturate" the company with all the ills of our (mis) administration, high turnover in leadership, patronage, etc. ... Often, the company's own presidency was handed over to people without the slightest knowledge of aviation, appointed for political reasons.
In 1936 Vasp established the first commercial line between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and in 1937 received its third Junkers. Tragically, this aircraft, registered PP-SPF, suffered the first major accident of our commercial aviation: On November 8, 1939 collided after takeoff from Santos Dumont airport, with a 1990 de Havilland Dragonfly Argentina.In 1939 the VASP bought Aerolloyd Iguassii, a small company owned by Leo Matte Tea, which operated in the south of the country. In 1962 it was time for Lloyd to be bought by Air, further expanding its participation at the national level (Vasp can not seem to see one without an interest-Lloyd years later came the Bolivian).After WWII, modernized the fleet with the introduction of the Douglas DC-3 and S-90 Saab Scandia. In 1955 he commissioned the Viscount 800, the first turbine equipment in Brazil and then brought the "Samurai" YS-11. In January 1968, entered the jet era with the delivery of pure two BAC One Eleven 400. In 1969, brought to Brazil the first Boeing 737-200 in 1982 came the Airbus A300B2 in 1986 and the first 737-300 in our country.
In the early 90's, Vasp was privatized. Its new president, Wagner Canhedo, began an aggressive international expansion: Asia, United States, Europe and even the map of Morocco entered the company. Increased the fleet, bringing among other three DC-10-30 and then nine MD-11. Created VASP Air System, after acquiring a controlling stake in LAB, and Argentina Ecuatoriana NHS.
Failed to sustain growth. Failed to pay duties, salaries, leases and up shipping rates. Cannibalized the MD-11 to open in Guarulhos and was canceling the international routes. The fleet was reduced, leaving the antediluvian 737-200 and A300 to serve the weary a home network of smaller firms operated in 1990. The VASP Air System was broken. It was not just a lost decade: it was a decade in reverse-to-aft.Gave in giving: in September 2004, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) has suspended the operations of eight aircraft Vasp. For security reasons, the planes of prefixes 737-200 PP-SMA, SMB-PP, PP-SMC, PP-SMP, PP-SMQ, SMR-PP, PP-PP-SMS and SMT were forbidden to fly to comply with the relevant technical requirements of revisions and modifications required - the ADs (Airworthiness Directives) - established by the manufacturer. Without money to do the work, decided to pull Vasp jets. Then they began to be cannibalised to provide parts to the other 737 still in operation. Scratched with a picture and a fleet Jurassic period, the company was losing ground, especially after the market entry of Gol. Vasp operated in November 2004 only 18% of scheduled flights. In September 2004, when he faced the first strike of employees and began to have trouble supplying their aircraft, the market share of the airline was only 8% and two months later, 1.39%. The occupation has also been very bad: the only three aircraft that flew during the month Vasp left with 47% of seats sold.
Vasp stopped flying in late January 2005, when the DAC stripped its operating permit. Their aircraft today are still for airports around the country witnessing another sad story of our commercial aviation.
The history of VASP began to be written in the years following the Revolution of 1932. On November 12, 1933 a group of businessmen and pilots met and created the Air Transportation St. Paul, presenting to the public at its base the Campus Martius its first aircraft, two Englishmen Monospar ST-4, with capacity for three passengers. On April 16, 1934 took off the first commercial flights between Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto and Tuticorin and Black River, St. Charles route. The precarious conditions of airport infrastructure hampered the operation. In the first months of activities, had their operations suspended due to heavy rains that flooded the Campus Martius. These difficulties were decisive for the company to participate in the development of airports and airfields in the interior. The company moved its operations to the newly opened Congonhas Airport, known as "Field of VASP.
In January 1935, the fragile financial health made it officially asked the board to help the State Government. Vasp was nationalized and received a new injection of capital for the purchase of two Junkers Ju-52-3M. The downside, as can only happen in this land of samba and tambourine, was "acculturate" the company with all the ills of our (mis) administration, high turnover in leadership, patronage, etc. ... Often, the company's own presidency was handed over to people without the slightest knowledge of aviation, appointed for political reasons.
In 1936 Vasp established the first commercial line between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and in 1937 received its third Junkers. Tragically, this aircraft, registered PP-SPF, suffered the first major accident of our commercial aviation: On November 8, 1939 collided after takeoff from Santos Dumont airport, with a 1990 de Havilland Dragonfly Argentina.In 1939 the VASP bought Aerolloyd Iguassii, a small company owned by Leo Matte Tea, which operated in the south of the country. In 1962 it was time for Lloyd to be bought by Air, further expanding its participation at the national level (Vasp can not seem to see one without an interest-Lloyd years later came the Bolivian).After WWII, modernized the fleet with the introduction of the Douglas DC-3 and S-90 Saab Scandia. In 1955 he commissioned the Viscount 800, the first turbine equipment in Brazil and then brought the "Samurai" YS-11. In January 1968, entered the jet era with the delivery of pure two BAC One Eleven 400. In 1969, brought to Brazil the first Boeing 737-200 in 1982 came the Airbus A300B2 in 1986 and the first 737-300 in our country.
In the early 90's, Vasp was privatized. Its new president, Wagner Canhedo, began an aggressive international expansion: Asia, United States, Europe and even the map of Morocco entered the company. Increased the fleet, bringing among other three DC-10-30 and then nine MD-11. Created VASP Air System, after acquiring a controlling stake in LAB, and Argentina Ecuatoriana NHS.
Failed to sustain growth. Failed to pay duties, salaries, leases and up shipping rates. Cannibalized the MD-11 to open in Guarulhos and was canceling the international routes. The fleet was reduced, leaving the antediluvian 737-200 and A300 to serve the weary a home network of smaller firms operated in 1990. The VASP Air System was broken. It was not just a lost decade: it was a decade in reverse-to-aft.Gave in giving: in September 2004, the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) has suspended the operations of eight aircraft Vasp. For security reasons, the planes of prefixes 737-200 PP-SMA, SMB-PP, PP-SMC, PP-SMP, PP-SMQ, SMR-PP, PP-PP-SMS and SMT were forbidden to fly to comply with the relevant technical requirements of revisions and modifications required - the ADs (Airworthiness Directives) - established by the manufacturer. Without money to do the work, decided to pull Vasp jets. Then they began to be cannibalised to provide parts to the other 737 still in operation. Scratched with a picture and a fleet Jurassic period, the company was losing ground, especially after the market entry of Gol. Vasp operated in November 2004 only 18% of scheduled flights. In September 2004, when he faced the first strike of employees and began to have trouble supplying their aircraft, the market share of the airline was only 8% and two months later, 1.39%. The occupation has also been very bad: the only three aircraft that flew during the month Vasp left with 47% of seats sold.
Vasp stopped flying in late January 2005, when the DAC stripped its operating permit. Their aircraft today are still for airports around the country witnessing another sad story of our commercial aviation.
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